It's way past my bedtime..I need sleep... Must post.
Well, Here it is, an hour past my bedtime and I' still up! Cruising the web, checking stuff out. Trying to find something that amused me. I found it!
the headline should have read: MICHAEL KNIGHT ARRESTED FOR DUI. Kit was pissed!. Apparently ol' David Hasselhoff, France's favorite actor, was allegedly driving erratically down Hollywood boulevard. The police pulled him over immediately.
the suspect was quoted as saying "offisler, I washn't drrivving, the car goes on itsh ownn. Ishn't th-that rright Kit?" to which there was no reply from the car.
Kit later blamed it all(privately) on ethanol based fuel. But still allowed David to take the blame..
disclaimer: David Hasselhoff did get arrested on suspicion of dui. Kit and the above news story are fictional.