December 02, 2005

Road Rage or "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

In the city where I work, Trimarc has these lighted electronic overhead signs that give you traffic information. Mostly they just tell you the state's highway fatalities thus far, or to tell you to buckle up and drive smart. These things are over every interstate generally within a few miles of the next major interchange. these things are funded by our tax dollars. Also, if you live near the city, you will notice cameras and what appear to be radar devices aimed at the roadways high atop poles near most busy intersections. These are how this organization gets its traffic information which it supplies to these signs as well as the major local "timesaver traffic" radio broadcaster you hear on most stations in the city. It doesn't work well at all. Most bad traffic mornings you sit in traffic for twenty minutes before you get to the sign and when you get there it may say"Speed Limit 55," or "Congestion At Exit Nine," only to get further up the road and see a disabled vehicle blocking the left lane, or a wreck. By the way, you won't hear about the actual cause of the delay on the radio until you are past the wreck by at least ten minutes of drive time. AND YOUR TAX DOLLARS AARE PAYING FOR IT!! Another example: You cruise north on I 65 and before you get to the I265 interchange you have a blank Trimarc sign, and you think, Wow! Clear highway ahead! then a few miles later it is stop and go as far as the eye can see. About a half hour later you arrive at the next Trimarc sign only to find it saying: "Construction Ahead Left Two Lanes Closed At Exit#136 To Exit#138." The blank sign you passed under was before an exit that would have let you bypass this construction. Your tax dollars spent to build these things that should alleviate traffic are costing you fuel economy as well. This organization receives funding through Two State Transportation Cabinets which get this money from YOU!
Sorry this wasn't my usual funny business.
I just had to rant for a minute.


At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUDE! Where have you been? Are you still alive? No Blog since the begining of Dec? What gives? Where you at. Your friends miss you.


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